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This website has been designed to inform and support those who are dissatisfied with the way our clothes are produced, purchased and more particularly, disposed of.


With low-cost and fast fashion manufactured in labour-cheap countries abroad, consumers are buying more than ever before. The average UK family owns £4000 worth of clothing, of which 30% is never worn.


Consumers thus carry the power to make a change in the trajectory of our garments from start to finish, as without a market, production on such a large and exploitative scale would cease to exist.


Countries and companies have already taken steps towards creating a more circular economy, where value is retained at every stage of the process.


It is now up to us, the buyer, to actualize this plan and help prevent excessive waste creation at an individual level.


The hope is that with insights and resources gained from this site, one can be better prepared to meet the demands of our current world in order to create a more sustainable future. 





About Clothical 

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